Call the Renewal for more information at 614-980-3021 (Patrick)
CCR Prayer Groups
If you lead a prayer group that is not listed and you would like it to be recognized and advertise, Please let us know.
If you would like the Living in the Spirit Seminar, The Promise and the Power at your parish we can send a team, so that you can learn about and possibly start a Prayer Group at your parish.
For questions call
Cheryl at 614-861-1242 (Church of Our Lady)

St. Paul Prayer Group: Sword of the Spirit
Zoom Meeting 6:30 pm.
Contact Sue Donchez for Zoom info: 614-523-3045 or email

The Little Flock
St Marks Church Lancaster
Monday evenings at 7:30
324 Gay St, Lancaster, OH 43130 Meet in the St Raymond Room

Bi Weekly Intercessory Rosary on Zoom
1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month
10:00 am. Zoom Meeting # 852 6403 5108
Call Cheryl for information 614-861-1242
Join in recitation of the Rosary followed by individual prayer.

Fruit of the Vine
St. Francis de Sales in Newark, Ohio
40 Granville St. Newark OH 43055-4998
Tuesday 7:00- 8:30 pm in person and Zoom
Please contact John Marron:

River of Grace
Thursday Evenings 7:15 - 8:30
Email Cindy Bauman:
or Lisa Bowman:
Zoom number 885 0485 8107